Leadership Recognition

As representatives of the student population, our Student’s Council provides input for our school-wide events and fundraising for the community. In the past four years our students and staff have raised over $10000 for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund in support of programs for children in South Africa. Closer to home they have been involved with the United Way Campaign, Terry Fox Runs, Ottawa Hospital Runs, YOUCAN, Operation Veteran, “The Inside Ride” cancer fundraiser and the support of a foster child.

Every year at Brookfield, our community celebrates academic excellence by honouring each grade level’s top twenty-five students, also known as The Century Club. This group is honoured at the Academic Dinner, held in May, and features a keynote speaker as well as student winners, parents, teachers, and community members. In addition, each fall an Awards ceremony is held to recognize academic excellence from the previous school year.

We also acknowledge student contributions to the school community in school announcements, newsletters, assemblies, our principal’s report to school council, and end-of-year awards ceremonies. As well, we recognize student leadership by incorporating their suggestions into our planning.

We also award the Citizenship Crest for outstanding participation in school activities, and the Brookfield “B” for athletic participation.


Our staff members have a wealth of professional qualifications including Bachelors and Masters degrees in Arts, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Physical Education and Sciences, as well as additional qualifications in Special Education, English as a Second Language, Music, Nutrition, Visual Arts, Guidance, and Computers in Education. Many of our teachers come with first-hand experience of careers outside of teaching ranging from cartographers to bankers, geologist to mine engineers. As a staff, we are committed to being part of an active professional learning community. We emphasize that we are daily learners and are encouraged to attend and present workshops. We recognize staff leadership via personal interactions with one another, letters of thanks, school announcements, school newsletters, assemblies, performance appraisals, and our principal’s report to School Council.

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