Our School
Opened in 1962, Brookfield High School is located on Brookfield Road just off the Airport Parkway. Brookfield is a semestered composite high school, offering a safe, caring environment to over 550 students, representing many languages and over 60 countries. We are a school that has embraced Character Education, preparing our students both academically and socially to be global citizens. Brookfield offers a French Immersion Program leading to OCDSB French Immersion and Extended French Certificates. In addition, our French students have the opportunity to do their D.E.L.F.(European Framework) French Examinations. International language courses are also available at various levels in Arabic and Spanish. Our Music Department is known throughout the city for its excellence. We have a strong English as a Second Language Programme and a Highly respected Special Education Department featuring a system-wide Learning Disabilities unit and an Autism Spectrum Disorder class.
Students come to Brookfield High School from our community schools and from other areas for special programs. Our main feeder schools are Fielding Drive Public School and Carleton Heights Public School. More than 80% of our students come from within the community.
At Brookfield, our highly experienced and committed staff is dedicated to providing the best possible education to each and every student. Our staff is comprised of 54 teachers, 6 Educational Assistants and 6 Administrative and Support personnel. Our staff actively participates in team-based learning communities and strives to enhance critical thinking, creative problem solving and collaborative inquiry opportunities for all learners.
The Brookfield School Council is a forum for regular dialogue among Brookfield parents, the principal, and representatives of the staff, Students’ Council, and the neighbouring community. Elected parent representatives are committed to participate for 2017-2018. Meetings are held every six weeks in the school library at 7 pm and are open to all parents. In addition to current or planned operations at the school itself, School Council responds to Board or Ministry of Education plans or changes that affect our students, or will affect students in the future. They provide timely, constructive input to the yearly running of our school. They are always well represented at our many evening events and are active participants in our graduation and awards ceremonies. Brookfield’s School Council is an inviting group of individuals who actively seek new membership from the parents and guardians of our students. They are committed to encouraging more parents to attend their meetings.
Brookfield takes pride in its community partnerships. At our annual Academic Dinner, a keynote speaker from our community helps us honour and recognize our highest-performing students. Partnerships with local retailers have made donations for many of our student activities and we continue to seek these partnerships. The Education Foundation Fund has graciously supported our Literacy/Character Education Projects. The Canadian Academy of Arts and Sciences has supported our Music Department with a $10,000 grant to purchase new band instruments. Over the past three years, over 100 of our students worked with YOUCAN on peer mediation and conflict resolution.
Brookfield actively seeks volunteer involvement through the Ottawa Volunteers in Education Program.
Mission Statement
School colours: blue/white/red Team Name: Blues
School Motto: Progrediamur – Let us go forward together
Facilities and Resources
Brookfield has 57 regular teaching classrooms and 5 special education classrooms. In addition, we have 6 science labs, 5 PC computer labs, 5 Smart Boards, 3 technical labs (1 Technological Design, 1 Electronics lab and 1 Communications Technology lab), a mathematics classroom with an embedded computer technology lab, a music room, a visual arts room, 2 drama rooms, a cooking lab, 3 gym areas, a well-equipped wood shop and a weight room. The large gym has a bleacher section. We also have an auditorium that seats 746, as well as a cafeteria. Our library features over 35,000 books, including many graphic novels, international language books and over 100 e-books. The library holds approximately 150 students at small tables, work stations, study carrels and includes a seminar room. Our library offers 27 internet terminals, wifi and holds a partnership with Carleton University which allows Brookfield students access to the university library collection.
Programs and Services:
Academic Programs
We offer a complete academic program leading to a full range of opportunities for post-secondary education. Students enrolled in French Immersion are able to complete the requirements for the Immersion Certificate. Our extensive Co-operative Education Program allows Brookfield students to gain experience in a variety of areas in the work place. Over the past five years, many of our students have been involved in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP). Our Arts programs are well-established, culminating with Grade 12 level credits in Drama, Visual Arts and Music.
Special Education and ESL Programs
We are fortunate to have a team of experienced teachers and six Educational Assistants attached to our Special Education department. Resource support and educational assessments are provided by our Learning Support Teachers. Through our Special Education Department, students receive remedial support and/or credit courses in Learning Strategies, as identified through an IPRC or IEP. Our school is home to an Autism Spectrum Disorder class as well as a system Learning Disabilities Unit which provides an 8:1 student/teacher ratio.
We offer a full range of English as a Second Language courses to our student population who are new to Canada as well as some sheltered courses at the junior level. We are very proud of the success many of our English language learners have enjoyed and the addition of many International Students who attend our school.
Clubs and Activities
Co-curricular activities in academics, athletics, and the arts contribute to developing well-balanced graduates who are positioned to compete in post-secondary educational institutions and the world of work. With the help of our staff and community coaches, we are able to offer a wide range of teams for both male and female student athletics (over 30 teams each year). An active Athletic Association organizes a lunch-hour intramural sports program and contributes to maintaining school spirit. The Students’ Council ensures student involvement in a variety of activities, including spirit activities, dances, and assemblies. Student organizations and clubs such as the Multicultural Club, Muslim Students’ Association, Environmental/Clean-up-the-Capital team, Brookfield Ambassadors, Girls Chat, Boys Read, Ski and Snowboard Club, the Improv Team and Tech Crew thrive, and our staff is always willing to respond to new requests.
Our students and staff have annually supported such causes as the Terry Fox Run, “The Inside Ride” supporting children and families with cancer, Clean-up-the-Capital and Operation Veteran.
Peer Tutoring and our LINK program (a full year grade 9 program to ease the transition to high school) encourage students to become actively involved in the life of the school.